ナムコ PS 1 鉄拳 裏技 / 中ボス コマンド表(雑誌不明) NAMCO PS 1 TEKKEN Underhanded Trick / Mid - Boss Command Table ( Magazine Unknown ) NAMCO PS 1 TEKKEN Tricks / Mid - Boss - Befehlstabelle ( Magazin Unbekannt )
12月, 2022の投稿を表示しています
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ファイナルファンタジーⅢ 悠久の風伝説 『 Roaming Sheep 』 彷徨えし者 たちよ Final Fantasy III Legend of the Eternal Wind 『 Roaming Sheep 』 Final Fantasy III Legende des ewigen Windes 『 Wandernde Schafe 』 Roaming sheep in search of the place you've never know Listen to the < wind > until you can hear the sign Roaming sheep in front of the gate that's closed so tight Take a rest on the < earth > until you can find the key 彷徨えし者たちよ 天が怒り狂い 遥か道を閉ざした時 『風』に耳を澄まし『大地』の懐で 休むがいい Roaming sheep in search of the people full of love Bathe yourself in the < water > until your minds soothed again Roaming sheep in front of the deep and dreemless sleep Here you're by the < fire > Able to warm your heart 人を求めし者たちよ 求めることに疲れ果て いたずらな眠りにその身託すならば まず『水』に浸り『火』で暖を取るがいい Each and every moment Oh, as time goes by All in this world has to change 時は 未来永劫 刻み続け 世界は 色を変え続けていく Roaming sheep in search of the place you've never know Better take your breath until you can hear the sign Roaming sheep in search of t...